XN346 Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana)

XN346 Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana)

Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana)

Catalogue number: XN346

Sex: Unknown

Light: Bright, filtered light.

Preferred temperature range: 15-30° C.
Will tolerate temperatures as low as 5° C if protected from frost.

Potting media:
* coir chip / perlite, or
* sphagnum moss peat / perlite / orchid bark

A large plant that is best grown in a floor-standing 180mm (or larger) pot that is ballasted with stones or similar heavy material. Slow-growing.

The plant will eventually require support due to the weight of its foliage.

Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana) was bred by Geoff and Andrea Mansell of Exotica Plants.

Nepenthes truncata

Where found: The islands of Leyte, Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines.

Altitudinal distribution: 0 – 1500m above sea level (ultra lowland-intermediate).

Nepenthes truncata has large leathery leaves that appear to terminate abruptly (hence the name) and have very large pitchers. It is a slow-growing plant.

Conservation status: Endangered
(IUCN Red List, assessed 2000, published 2000).

Nepenthes edwardsiana

Where found: Mount Kinabalu & Mount Tambuyukon, Sabah, Malaysia.

Altitudinal distribution: 1500m to 2700m above sea level (highland/ultra highland).

Nepenthes edwardsiana has long narrow pitchers with heavily ribbed peristomes. The stems can grow to 15m.

Nepenthes edwardsiana‘s closest relatives are N. villosa and N. macrophylla.

Conservation status: Vulnerable
(IUCN Red List, assessed 2000, published 2000).

Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana): a young plant

Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana)

Side view, Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana)

A view from the back: Nepenthes x (truncata-giant x edwardsiana)

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