XN072 Nepenthes x (spectabilis x aristolochioides)

XN072 Nepenthes x (spectabilis x aristolochioides)

XN072 Nepenthes x (spectabilis x aristolochioides)

Catalogue number: XN072

Sex: M

Light: Bright, filtered light.

Preferred temperature range: 15-30° C.
Will tolerate temperatures as low as 5° C if protected from frost.

Potting media:
* coir chip / perlite, or
* sphagnum moss peat / perlite / orchid bark, or
* Cymbidium orchid mix / perlite

A medium sized plant that can be grown in a 140mm hanging pot. The slender and colourful pitchers can grow to around 17cm. Very vigorous.

This particular hybrid contains, in my opinion, some of the best characteristics of its parents. A remarkable plant.

Nepenthes spectabilis
Where found: Sumatra, Indonesia

Altitudinal distribution: 1400m to 2200m above sea level (highland).

Conservation status: Vulnerable
(IUCN Red List: assessed 2000, published 2000)

Nepenthes aristolochioides
Where found: Sumatra, Indonesia

Altitudinal distribution: 1800m to 2500m above sea level (highland/ultra highland).

Conservation status: Critically Endangered
(IUCN Red List: assessed 2013, published 2013)

XN072 Nepenthes x (spectabilis x aristolochioides): a view from the back
XN072 Nepenthes x (spectabilis x aristolochioides): pitchers and foliage
XN072 Nepenthes x (spectabilis x aristolochioides): a new basal shoot

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