XN049 Nepenthes alata (large, red-striped)

A large mature plant

Nepenthes alata (large, red-striped)

Catalogue number: XN049

Sex: M

Light: Bright, filtered light.

Preferred temperature range: 15-30° C.
Will tolerate temperatures as low as 5° C if protected from frost.

Potting media:
* coir chip / perlite, or
* sphagnum moss peat / perlite / orchid bark, or
* Cymbidium orchid mix / perlite

A medium-to-large sized plant that can be grown (very briefly) in a 140mm hanging pot. I prefer a ground-based pot (at least 160mm) with a strong support stake for this species. Very vigorous, grows multiple branching vines. Pitchers can grow to around 25cm (possibly more).

Nepenthes alata
Where found: Widely distributed across the Philippines.

Altitudinal distribution: 0m to 1900m above sea level (lowland/intermediate/highland).

Wide variations in shape, size and colour.

Conservation status: Least Concern (IUCN Red List: assessed 2014, published 2018)

An upper pitcher. To my knowledge, this plant has never developed basal pitchers.

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