XN046 Nepenthes x (bokorensis x veitchii (m) Bario squat pink)

A mature pitcher from a mid-sized plant

XN046 Nepenthes x (bokorensis x veitchii (m) Bario squat pink)

Catalogue number: XN046

Sex: Female

Light: Bright, filtered light.

Preferred temperature range: 15-30° C.
Will tolerate temperatures as low as 5° C if protected from frost.

Potting media:
* coir chip / perlite, or
* sphagnum moss peat / perlite / orchid bark, or
* Cymbidium mix / perlite

A large, slow-growing plant that can be grown in a 200mm pot.

This hybrid was created by Geoff and Andrea Mansell (Exotica Plants).

Nepenthes bokorensis
Where found: Mt. Bokor, Cambodia

Altitudinal distribution: 800-1080 m above sea level (lowland).

Conservation status: N. bokorensis does not appear to have been given a formal conversation status by the IUCN. However, François Mey suggested in 2009 that the species should be given the status of “potentially vulnerable” based on IUCN criteria.

Nepenthes veitchii
Where found:
Sarawak, Malaysia
Kalimantan, Indonesia

Altitudinal distribution: 0 to 1600m (intermediate)

Conservation status: Least concern (IUCN Red List, 2018)

Pitcher and rosette

A juvenile pitcher

A small mature pitcher

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