XN144 Nepenthes x (thorelii x truncata)

Upper pitcher

Nepenthes x (thorelii x truncata)

Catalogue number: XN144

Sex: F

Light: Bright, filtered light.

Preferred temperature range: 15-30° C.
Will tolerate temperatures as low as 5° C if protected from frost.

Potting media:
* coir chip / perlite, or
* sphagnum moss peat / perlite / orchid bark

A large plant that is best grown in a floor-standing 180mm (or larger pot) that should be ballasted with stones or similar material. Very vigorous, pitchers prolifically, grows multiple vines. Large pitchers up to 35cm long and 9cm wide. Flowers readily.

If the plant is propagated from a cutting, a new bud forms at one of the nodes and grows into a vine in the plant’s first year. One or more basal shoots develop once the vine is about 50cm long. Stems are medium-wide and slightly hairy.

The plant will require support due to the weight of its foliage.

Nepenthes thorelii
Where found: Vietnam.

Altitudinal distribution: 0 – 200m above sea level (ultra lowland).

Nepenthes truncata
Where found: The islands of Leyte, Dinagat and Mindanao in the Philippines.

Altitudinal distribution: 0 – 1500m above sea level (ultra lowland-intermediate).

Nepenthes truncata has large leathery leaves that appear to terminate abruptly (hence the name) and have very large pitchers. It is a slow-growing plant.

Conservation status: Endangered (IUCN Red List, 2000).

Middle pitcher
Upper pitcher
Upper pitcher
A 2-year-old plant
Two developing basal shoots.
A developing pitcher.

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