XN130 Nepenthes x (izumeae x maxima)

Basal pitcher

Nepenthes x (izumiae x maxima)
Catalogue number: XN130
Sex: unknown
Light: Bright, filtered light.
Preferred temperature range: 13-29° C.
Potting media: coir with perlite.

A medium-sized plant that should fit nicely in a 140mm hanging pot. The basal rosette develops into a vine in the plant’s first year. A new basal rosette will form once the vine is about 50cm long .

The leaves are green with the slightest tinge of red. The stem is slender. The upper pitchers are larger than the lower pitchers.

This particular plant is a 2-year-old cutting that has been grown in 70% shade. I suspect that with more light the stem might have been more robust. The vine has been removed for propagation purposes.

Nepenthes izumiae
Where found: Barisan Mountains, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Altitudinal distribution: 1700–1900 m above sea level.

Closely related to N. lingulata and N. singalana.

Nepenthes maxima
Where found: New Guinea, Sulawesi, and the Maluku Islands.

Altitudinal distribution: 400-2600 m above sea level.

Belongs to the loosely defined “N. maxima complex”, which also includes, among other species, N. boschiana, N. chaniana, N. epiphytica, N. eymae, N. faizaliana, N. fusca, N. klossii, N. platychila, N. stenophylla, and N. vogelii.

Basal pitcher, two weeks after opening
Basal pitcher
Basal pitcher
Juvenile basal pitcher
Juvenile basal pitcher, just opening a day later
Upper pitcher
Upper pitcher

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